If you have one of these games try out the Xbox 360 controller emulator profile in the DS3 tool. Some games require Xbox 360 controllers, namely popular first person shooter games, as that is all they are programmed to recognize. Before, you should download and install the MotioninJoy DS3 software first you need to check whether your game supports joysticks, use the game’s control setting to set up your controller with the game. You can easily connect a PS3 controller through USB stick or Bluetooth adapter. If you have a PlayStation now you can easily use the controllers on your Windows PC with the free MotioninJoy DS3 tool. You need to download the correct version that compatible with your computer, 32 bit (x86) and 64 bit (圆4) systems. MotioninJoy DS3 is a driver, designed and intended to use all the features of the Sixaxis and Dualshock 3 controllers on a PC running Windows operating system including Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10. Home » Windows » Download Motioninjoy DS3 Tool and PS3 Controller for Windows PC